Surgery to Remove Stretch Marks


People who have unsuccessfully tried laser surgery for stretch marks or do not consider micro dermabrasion for stretch marks an effective solution, may turn to the Tummy Tuck surgery to remove their stretch marks instead. Officially known as Abdominoplasty, this procedure was meant to remove abdominal fat, but is now being used for stretch mark removal.

Surgery to Remove Stretch Marks: Things to Consider

While this could work in theory, there are several things a person has to consider about plastic surgery to remove stretch marks before making a commitment to go under the knife.

Plastic surgery is real surgery

People often times think that because the operation is cosmetic in nature it is a less serious form of surgery, however this is not the case. All complications associated with major procedures can occur with plastic surgery as well, including infection and probable death from the incorrect use of anesthesia.

Surgery to remove stretch marks is very expensive

The costs of surgery to remove stretch marks can be exorbitant, taking it out of the realm of possibility for the average person. Fees vary from $3,000 to $8,500. Also, you can't guarantee a positive outcome the first time around, and more surgery can be required to fix mistakes, incurring more expense.

Pain and downtime can be tremendous

Unlike an in office visit for a chemical peel or micro dermabrasion, there can be a lot of lost time post-op. This can be due to the time it takes for scars to heal. There may also be a large amount of pain and discomfort associated with the procedure.

Who is the surgery for?

This may seem like a trick question, but it really isn’t. Plastic surgery should be done because you personally desire it. Hoping to win the affections of another or to be more accepted by society shouldn’t be the main catalyst of your decision to remove scar tissue. Surgery will not change your life—only you can do that.

Alternatives to Surgery to Remove Stretch Marks

One should also consider that there are plenty of non-surgical methods that are just as effective for eradicating stretch marks.
Although some people can scarcely believe it is so, removing or preventing stretch marks with the use of creams, lotions and ointments is highly possible. Vitamins can also help alleviate and minimize the appearance of these scars with prolonged use. Find best stretch mark cream reviews here.

Stretch Mark Cream

Surgery to Remove Stretch Marks: Final Word

Do a cost-benefit analysis -are you getting your money's worth? Are you comfortable with the risks? If you absolutely must have surgery to remove stretch marks, look into reputable local doctors who are board certified. Also, be sure to ask about verifiable references and check their track record. Are most of the patients satisfied? Was there any major complaints leveled against the practice?

By asking important and relevant questions, you can be assured that you will get a positive outcome should you desire to go with surgery to remove stretch marks.